Brambling with Brigid

Brambling with Brigid


As we emerge out of the Winter and hibernation, we can take time to look around us and take stock of the wild nature around us. Winter is a quiet time, a time of reflection and inner stillness, but as we emerge, we can see the first buds appearing, the light returning, and feel our spirits lift.

Sometimes we can forget how much life is still around us during the dark winter months, but there is one constant. Bramble. She is always there - wrapping her limbs around other plants, diving deep into the earth and forming cocoons of protection. She holds her ground, and a deep deep protection. She knows the importance and sacredness of boundaries, of protecting what is dear to you and standing your own ground. We can learn a lot from her, she is a gentle warrior bringing us an abundance of gifts.

Connecting with Bramble at this time of year, when the energy of Imbolc is still strong, is particularly powerful. Imbolc is strongly associated with Brigid, and Bramble is sacred to her. She is the Goddess of Creativity, and so it is a perfect time to notice what seeds of creativity held over the Winter, are stirring and ready to become manifested.

Bramble is ruled by fire and water, which is seen as the most magical combination of elements. She holds both the light and shadow. She holds both so strongly that she is often demonized. Bramble can be seen as prickly and invasive – but then the Blackberry fruit she gifts to us is so full of sweetness. Bramble does hold two aspects, but she is not prickly and invasive, she is tenacious and holding protection – just like Brigid does. We are all held under the protection of Brigid’s mantle, and held within Bramble’s protection. The more we connect with Bramble, the more we see the light in the shadows, within ourselves and all around us. We see more beauty and joy.

Connecting with Bramble allows us to see the true beauty in everything, in places we wouldn’t necessarily notice. The closer you look at Bramble, the more you can see the beautiful red tones in her leaves and stems, and if you touch her you can feel the softness of her leaves, she is so gentle. She holds such an earthy smell.

Her teaching is to hold your own boundaries strong. If you find yourself feeling as if Bramble is taking over, then sit with her, appreciate her, and learn from her how to hold boundaries with heart.

 Derrynagittah Essence

Brigid’s Blessing (Bramble)

Connects us with the Goddess Brigid and brings her blessings of awakening, inspiration, creativity, healing and fertility. Activates will and helps transform ideas into physical manifestation. Offers strength & protection; assists with letting go of

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