Ceremonies and Workshops

Working with Plant spirits at Derrynagittah

Embracing Ether

Awakening to the Magic of Plants

 Opening to a New World  

15-18th August 2025

A 4-day ceremonial retreat with Carole


We have entered the time of Ether, a powerful creative time of limitless possibilities. Ether is the fifth element, located at the Centre of the Medicine Wheel, the place of Spirit. It exists before the creation of matter, the ‘space between space’ where magic happens, and anything is possible. Ether offers us an opportunity for exponential growth, to fully awaken our own essential nature and contribute to the creation of a new global vision.

The plant world is playing an extraordinary role at this transitional time on Earth, with plants bringing new information to the planet and assisting us to raise our consciousness. A powerful team of magical plants and fungi have come forward to be part of this retreat, including Vervain, Rose, Oak, Datura and the Goddess Mycelia. We will work closely with these sacred beings who are offering to help us to work with Ether to break down fixed ideas, limitations, myths and identification with old roles. By exploring our own relationship with Ether, we will expand our vision, activate our magical potential and open to a new and radical reality.

This is an initiation into your own true and deep power. During the 4-day retreat we will spend time with the plants and trees on the land, in the Medicine Wheel herb garden, the labyrinth and the Temple of Sacred Sound. Guided by the plants, we will take part in potent healing ceremonies and shamanic practices, culminating in a powerful group ceremony to create the World of our dreams for the highest good of all.

This is more than a workshop – it is a spiritual calling. Are the plants calling you? Are you willing to let go of the person you were before? To undefine yourself and open to the new? To be the adventurer and surrender to your own limitless knowing, in service to the Earth and Her realms and the generations yet to come? Are you ready to take the next step and boldly move forward into a magical new life? 

If your heart feels the call to join this adventure of spiritual awakening and deep connection with plants, contact Marion info@derrynagittah.ie 

Come and be part of this life-changing experience!

Energy exchange: €495 (includes lunch each day and €100 booking deposit to secure your place).

No experience necessary – only an open heart. Non-residential.

All payments are non-refundable.

~Love is all there is~


Goddess Mycelia by Danielle Caner

Last year's summer retreat...

The 2024 Retreat was stunningly beautiful. Thanks to Oak and Redwood and all who contributed their energy, love and light to The Rainbow Bridge of Peace.
Info below:

We stand at the end of one Great Cycle and the start of another, a transitional stage on Earth as we move into a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. Now is the time for humans to take an evolutionary leap and be part of a united way forward for ourselves, our children and the Earth Herself. It is time for all the peoples of the World to come together in harmony, each with their own unique pathways and understandings, to align with Grandmother Earth and reconnect with the Spirits of Nature.

At this ceremonial workshop, we held a vision of Peace on Earth, envisioning a Rainbow Bridge of Peace, stretching across nations and continents, healing old wounds and bitterness as we joined together in harmony. Knowing the change starts with each of us and we prayed for the strength to become Rainbow Warriors of Peace, transforming our own inner enemies of self-doubt, fear, jealousy, judgement and separation. We prayed for the courage to look in the mirror and face our shadow, to release and forgive, doing this for ourselves and as peacemakers for all the realms of the Earth.     

Two magnificent trees came forward to assist our quest: Oak and Redwood helped us to weave  the colours, textures and energies of the Rainbow Bridge across our beautiful Planet and within our own bodies. It was a deep immersion with Oak and Redwood, an initiation by these two ancient masters as they showed us how to live together in unity.  By ingesting the sacred elixirs of both these trees, we received their profound blessings to body, mind and spirit. Empowered by the courage of Oak, and the vision of Redwood we set our intention to step into a New World of Peace, both within ourselves and in the outer world.



FROM 2023 SUMMER RETREAT with Angelica:

A Testimonial: 'I experienced the Angelica workshop as a very powerful, immersive and enriching experience which helped me focus on the challenges I face in stepping into the power within.  I experienced Carole as a very intuitive, respectful and joyful facilitator, with impeccable attention to detail and to the needs of participants, and most importantly to the needs of the plant kingdom.  Every step we took was by invitation and consensual choice, and the rituals we took part in enabled a deepening of my conscious attunement to the plant kingdom and plant consciousness which for me is crucial to our evolution as humans. Taking part in this workshop was a gift which I hope and would encourage any other person to give themselves'.  Bernadette Lacey, Soul Sanctuary, Ireland