Plant Diets

Next Plant Diet Ceremony at Derrynagittah:  April 2025


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What is a 'Plant Diet'?

A ‘Plant Diet' is a traditional way of working with plants in order to get to know them better and receive their gifts, especially for guidance and healing. Dieting with plants in ceremony is a way to honour the plants & their Dream, to develop a deep relationship with a plant and to have a direct experience of plant consciousness. 

During the plant diet ceremony we ingest an elixir that has been pre-prepared in a sacred manner. By drinking this regularly, we receive the plant’s vibration both physically and spiritually. This vibration accumulates in our body over time, and the more we surrender, the more the Spirit of the Plant can enter our being. We bond, blend and ultimately merge. Our body charges itself like a battery from the energies of the plant and eventually the plant may transform into being part of our cells, filling us with energy that can help us as well as others. Our identity expands beyond our individuality and we experience ourself in unity with the eternal Spirit at the source of life.

Healing takes place at all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and is intended for both the individual and the collective. The ceremony provides an opportunity to heal any imbalance we may have created in the web of life. We receive an initiation from the plant and the chance to move to a new level in our lives. The Spirit of the Plant and the intent and readiness of the dieter are paramount. 

At this time on Planet Earth, the plant world is bringing important messages to assist our awakening and evolution. At a plant diet, the plants offer to initiate us to new levels of awareness, helping us to remember how to live as Sacred Humans. They open Gateways to Higher Consciousness and can give us a direct experience of other realms and higher dimensions.

Physical ingestion helps integrate and ground these new levels of consciousness into the physical body, as well as bringing the medicinal actions of the plant. During a diet, we spend our time dreaming with the plant, using methods such as journeying, meditation, time in nature, breathwork, dance, creative art or whatever is appropriate.

At Derrynagittah, Carole has pioneered plant diet ceremonies with native Irish plants (as described in her book 'Sacred Plant Initiations'). These are frequently timed to coincide with the Celtic Fire Festivals. We honour the turning of the Wheel of the Year and seek to align ourselves with the natural cycles of Nature. Participants gain particular benefit by either fasting completely or eating a restircted diet during the ceremony. We close with a shared feast.