Temple of Plants

The Temple of Plants Teampall na Bplandaí is a spiritual community rooted in Love.

We are united in our love for the Earth and dedicated to honouring the Plant World as an expression of the Sacred Feminine. We honour all life as sacred, recognizing that all things are born of the Goddess, our Divine Cosmic Mother and therefore we are all part of Her Divinity, interconnected and equal.

 The Dream of the Temple of Plants

Our Dream is the restoration of Heaven on Earth. We envision the awakening of the heart of humanity and all beings living in peace, harmony and with mutual respect.  Our vision is of humans remembering unity consciousness and awakening to their full potential with love as their guiding force.


A Spiritual Community

The Temple of Plants is recognised by the Irish State as a spiritual community and our priestess solemnisers are registered to perform legal marriages in Ireland. 

We uphold the three Sacred Laws that ‘All things are born of woman’, ‘Nothing shall be done to harm the child’ and ‘Love is all there is’.

The Temple is non-religious, multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-dimensional. We are dedicated to honoring the Goddess in all Her many forms and we embrace all spiritual teachings that are aligned with our values.

The Temple was birthed in 2016, founded by Carole who is creative director.

What do we do?

Our priestesses and priests are honoured to offer both personal and group ceremonies for celebration, rites of passage, healing and transformation. 

Plants are central to our work and seen as a sacred expression of the Divine Feminine. We maintain an unwavering commitment to honour and embody the Mysteries that the plants offer. 







We aspire to embody the Sacred Virtues of Beauty, Heart, Peace, Grace and Freedom, doing this through continuing self-reflection and personal development.

Part of our mission is to support each other as a community, through ongoing mentor programs, community-based sharing and recognition of each individual’s unique service in the world. We also honour the labyrinth as an expression of the Sacred Feminine.












The Path of a Temple of Plants Priestess/Priest

Becoming a priestess or priest of the Temple of Plants involves agreeing to work with the Goddess in alignment with Her Divine Plan. This is a vocation from Spirit and a path of devotion to the divine unfoldment of the eternal soul. Those who follow this path are answering a deep inner calling, one that requires integrity and dedication. 

The Goddess is seen as the Divine Mother and we recognize and honour Her sacred expression through the Plant World. As guardians of Sacred Plant Wisdom, priestesses and priests of the Temple are committed to nurturing the Light of the Plants and helping this to shine in the world. We are planetary priests and priestesses who stand for the plants.

We aim to embody the ways of the Sacred Feminine, dropping from ego and entering the receptive place of stillness and centred presence where Divine wisdom can flow through us. We come to listen: to the Goddess, to the plants, to Spirit in all its forms and to those who seek our help.

As priestesses and priests, we step forward in service to the Earth and all the realms of creation,  standing as Keepers of the Sacred Flame, holding the Light so that others may find their own direct experience of Divinity and awaken to full remembrance of self. We work passionately to raise the vibration of our physical world, infusing it with sacredness.

We make an ongoing commitment to our own inner work and to continuing to look at our own reflection so that we may be a clear mirror for others to see their own truth. We commit to standing in unconditional self-love. We commit ourselves as guardians of Sacred Mystery. 


Each priestess or priest of the Temple of Plants dedicates her or his life to Divine Purpose, making a conscious commitment in service to the Plant World and to a particular expression of the Divine. She or he learns how to attune to and work sacredly with energies, particularly those of Nature and the elements. A priestess/priest aspires to walk as the embodiment of love and thereby facilitate alchemy and transmutation in the world.

The Way of the Wise Healer Apprenticeship

Undertaking the Way of the Wise Healer involves passing through several stages of initiation and when a person is called, these can lead to becoming a Priestess or Priest. A student who successfully completes the Apprenticeship may undertake additional training and ceremony leading to ordination as a Priestess or Priest of the Temple of Plants. 

As priests and priestesses, we come in sacred devotion to the Goddess and in service to the Divine for the Highest Good of All and according to the free will of all. We do not claim power over others. We offer ourselves in service to those in need, from wherever they call, according to our own personal medicine and calling.

Many priestesses offer weddings and rites of passage ceremonies such as baby blessings and funerals, as well as ceremonies for the Earth and all the realms of creation.

A Temple of Plants wedding brings the magic of the land and the beauty of plants to a couple's special day. Our celebrants work with a couple to design the perfect ceremony of their dreams. All our offerings are tailored to individual requirements so that we know what is important in order to create a beautiful and meaningful ceremony.