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Pregnancy and Birth Essence Spray Boxset

Pregnancy and Birth Essence Spray Boxset

Regular price €44.00 EUR
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Synergistic combinations of essences in a base of complementary floral waters and essential oils, especially formulated for pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn.

Sacred Birthing Motherwort, Nurturing Mother, Primrose, Skullcap, Arnica essences in a base of Damask Rose Hydrosol and Rose essential oil.

A general purpose birthing spray bringing vibrations of deep peace, love, confidence and empowerment to mother and child.

Affirmations: 'I open to this wondrous experience with confidence and love','I am in my power', 'I open myself to birth my beautiful baby.

Mother Goddess Lady's Smock, Meadowsweet and Derrynagittah Lily in a base of Damask Rose hydrosol and Rose essential oil.

A spray that connects with the Goddess as Mother, carrying vibrations of pure love, abundance, nurturing, bbeauty, gentleness and creativity.

Affirmations: 'The love of the Mother Goddess is with me', 'The Diving Mother in me shines through', 'I am a beautiful, loving Mother'.

Happy Healthy Baby Dog Rose, Nurturing Mother, Calendula in a base of lavender hydrosol and Lavender essential oil.

To be sprayed in the environment around the baby. Do not spray directly in a baby's face.

Affirmations (spoken to the baby by the person using the spray): 'You are loved and beautiful', ' You are so very welcome and loved', 'You are thriving and peaceful, soothed and content'.


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