Starter Essence Set
€72.00 EUR
€72 (10% discount)*
This starter box contains the following:
(These are suggestions. If you are strongly called to have a different essence in the set, substitutions of alternative essences can be made by leaving a note when ordering)
Connects with angelic energies bringing guidance and support. Facilitates a clear connection with our Higher Self. Inspiration and protection from angelic beings, feelings of safety and security. Connection with Archangel Michael.
For cutting through, helping us to pierce those things that hold us back, to purify and clear the way so we can see the path ahead of us. We can see our inner realities with strength and precision; transforming anger, fear, darkness and negativity into a positive way forward. Carries the wisdom of the Crone and teaches about protection, boundaries and can bring invisibility.
Healing the wounded heart. Lifts the spirits and brings the courage to move forward. Unwinds the grief of the ancestors. Softens & clears old knots of pain from the heart.
Brigid’s Blessing(Bramble)
Connects us with the Goddess Brigid and brings her blessings of awakening, inspiration, creativity, healing and fertility. Activates will and helps transform ideas into physical manifestation. Offers strength & protection; assists with letting go of doubt & finding trust. Decisive action.
Chamomile (with Emerald)
Brings gentleness and calm, helping us to relax and let go of anxieties. Supports the heart and is particularly helpful for those who tend to give a lot to others. This essence enables us to experience fear and not be stopped by it. We find the courage to break through mistaken beliefs that limit us. We can transcend our fears and accept the gift of courage.
Destiny of the Soul
A combination essence helping us to hear the call of our Soul. Addresses the question ‘What have I come to learn in this lifetime?’, showing us how best to serve our own soul’s growth as well as serving the planet. Breaks through fear and separation; transforms guilt, judgement and stuck patterns from past lifetimes. Helps us let go the illusion of control and know forgiveness, self-responsibility and love. Can assist with finding true partnership with another, bringing Heaven to Earth through the love in a relationship.
Dog Rose
Carries the vibration of Oneness. This essence heals feelings of separation and helps us to feel our connection with all other beings – mineral, plant, animal, human, ourselves, planet Earth and beyond, ultimately our connection with Source. We remember that we are all One. Helpful if we feel alone or separated from Source. Makes ending the separation a priority. Supports the feminine and opens the heart.
Builds self-acceptance and frees us from the need for approval by others. Helps us build intimate relationships based on inter-dependence rather than co-dependency. Teaches about releasing attachments. Opens vision and helps with remembering dreams.
Song of Healing
Offers a complete change of perspective, a new awakening, rebirth, transformation, looking at life from a new angle. Assists deep healing and brings the courage to cut away the things which limit us, even if it hurts to do so, allowing us to move on and to gain wisdom for the greater good.